
National Museum in Belgrade (Serbia) is pleased to announce its First International Conference

TRADITIONAL POTTERY MAKING FROM THE ETHNOARCHAEOLOGICAL POINT OF VIEW. Scientific Research and Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage, organized jointly with Ministry of Culture of Republic of Serbia and University of Cadiz (Spain).

The meeting will be held from 10th to 12th June 2011 at the premises of the National Museum in Belgrade.

The Conference is expected to raise important issues in the field, to reach mutually agreed upon definitions and offer answers to some of them such as:

How well researched are traditional pottery making technologies in Europe? How and to which extent are they safeguarded? How far-reaching are the ethnoarchaeological researches of European ceramics in particular in southern Europe? To what extent are the results of ethnoarchaeological researches applied in archaeology, i.e. what is the scope of their impact on changes in the treatment and interpretation of ceramic finds (including theoretical basis of ethnoarchaeological pottery studies being a dynamic phenomenon as opposed to the static archaeological recording as well as the use, i.e. indications of ceramic vessels usage)? To what extent is this attitude present in ethnography / ethnology / anthropology? How much the ethnoarchaeological, archaeological and ethnographic researches provide better safeguarding of traditional ceramic production technologies? What is the role of craftsmen – bearers of pottery making knowledge and skills in our researches? Are they only an object of our researches and studies or do they have an active role in the process? What have we learned from them? How willing are we to learn from them?

We would like to invite to the Conference experts in the field of ethno-archaeological, archaeological and ethnographic studies of pottery as well as of preservation of traditional ceramics production technologies as part of intangible cultural heritage.

This would offer us all the opportunity to share our experience and knowledge on ethnoarchaeology related to pottery and on preservation and safeguarding of traditional ceramic production within the European part of the Mediterranean i.e. countries in the Pyrenean, Apennine and Balkan Peninsulas.
